These Voices for BioJustice activities gather and share the inspiring, sobering and humorous stories of local groups, exploring the varied and complex ways ABS and related areas of law are manifested at the local level through the words and stories of local people. Through a combination of case studies, videos, webinars, and policy briefs, the program works to help local groups communicate their experiences, priorities and concerns to policy-makers. Voices for BioJustice explores innovative approaches to communication, and includes a process of learning and sharing lessons between collaborators around the world.
Experiences from South Africa, Namibia, Cameroon, and other biologically and culturally diverse regions contribute to our understanding of how ABS and other measures work in practice. These experiences illustrate different and locally-specific social, economic, commercial, cultural and ecological aspects of ABS, and the wider policy framework that impacts equity and conservation in the use of genetic and biological resources and traditional knowledge.