Bringing the voices of indigenous peoples and local communities into global policy arenas

June 24, 2020 – 15:00 EST

This event is part of the Voices for BioJustices webinar series
Benefit sharing and traditional knowledge: unsolved dilemmas for implementation

Conveners: Graham Dutfield, Alejandro Argumedo, Maui Solomon, Rachel Wynberg, and Sarah Laird
Co-convened with the Swift Foundation
Moderator: Graham Dutfield

Coordination: Gabriela Alvarez and Jaci van Niekerk

Click here to watch the webinar’s recording.


International policies and laws on biodiversity conservation, access and benefit sharing, and related issues, provide principles and guidance, but the involvement of Indigenous peoples and local communities in their conceptualisation and development is often limited. This means that even well-intentioned global laws might not benefit these groups, and could even work against their interests.

A central principle to guide policy development is to allow space for locally-led governance and cultural systems to operate freely –  in ways that benefit Indigenous peoples and local communities and promote sustainability. This may well be the most effective approach to translate broad global ideals and principles into practice.

Indigenous peoples and local communities around the world have worked to do just this – with ABS and TK laws, UNDRIP, and other global measures. There is much that can be learned from their experiences.

This webinar will explore examples from India, Peru (ABS, IK Law, and UNDRIP) and New Zealand/Aotearoa (TK law and UNDRIP) ) and South Africa (World Heritage Convention and the CBD), also examining some of the challenges that emerge from the interface of the global and local elsewhere in the world. It will also stimulate conversations about how the voices of Indigenous peoples and local communities can be more effectively conveyed to global policy arenas, and the relationship between customary and statutory approaches to biodiversity use and conservation.


The webinar will run for 1 hour 30 minutes, including an opportunity for questions and answers to the panel.

  • Introduction.
    Graham Dutfield, Moderator – Professor of International Governance. School of Law, University of Leeds.
  • Making a case for local and customary governance systems in multi-level conservation governance.
    Phillile Mbatha – Lecturer. Department of Environmental Geographical Science, University of Cape Town.
  • From international advocacy to local implementation.
    Maui Solomon – (Moriori, Ngai Tahu and Pakeha). Barrister and Indigenous Rights/Responsibilities Advocate.
  • Radical alternatives for ecological and socio-economic justice.
    Ashish Kothari – Kalpavriksh / Global Tapestry of Alternatives.
  • Thoughts on broader issues of the local-global interface and experiences in Peru.
    Alejandro Argumedo – Swift Foundation.
  • Q&A session.

For further information contact Gabriela Alvarez:
